What Young Children
Need You to Know
How to see them so you know what to do for them
Are you the parent of a cherished young child, and tired, possibly frustrated, and even doubting yourself—or them? Are you worried about their behaviour or feeling unsure of how to support them? What makes young children do the things they do? Will they ever grow out of it?
Bridgett offers parents an extraordinary bridge connecting developmental science with conscious parenting.

Joyful parenting
Bridgett believes that joyful parenting is a journey of both the head and the heart and her emphasis is on supporting parents to bring their childrearing practices into alignment with their heartfelt intentions. By expanding on their current understanding of child development she supports parents to be more mindful about their parenting choices and guides them to become more conscious in their everyday interactions with their children.
Parent Child Relationships
Firmly grounded in her academic study of human behaviour and countless personal interactions with children, Bridgett shares her knowledge and experience with caring adults wanting to make developmental sense of the children in their lives. She assists parents to uncover what may be driving their children’s behaviour and makes practical suggestions to address their concerns while keeping the focus on nurturing a long term loving relationship between parent and child.